Privacy Policy


Solar Synergy Group Limited. takes the confidentiality of personal data seriously. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments on this privacy policy.

The Company’s privacy policy sets out the ways Solar Synergy Group Limited processes personal data. This privacy policy only relates to personal data collected by via the websites it owns and operates. Any personal data collected by Solar Synergy Group Limited is used in accordance with data protection legislation.

Solar Synergy Group Limited

19 Derby Drive


West Malling

ME19 5FJ


  • About our site

  • How our site works

  • About us

  • What we don't do with your data

  • What data we collect, and how

  • How we use your data

  • Cookies

  • Transferring your data

  • Storing your data

  • Legal grounds

  • Your rights

  • Contacting us

  • Changes to this notice


Our site enables people to request a quote or information for the product or service shown or selected on this site (the "Product").

The service that our site provides is to connect people who are looking to purchase the Product with relevant providers of the Product ("Service Providers").


If you'd like to request and receive quotes or information for the Product ("Quotes"), please complete and submit our webform.

Once we’ve received your request, we’ll connect you with one or more relevant Service Providers. We’ll tell the Service Providers who you are, and your Product requirements and they’ll then contact you directly with your requested Quotes or product information

We have a really clear consent statement as displayed on all web forms. This statement sets out the Service Providers that will contact you

We only work with Service Providers once a legal contract in place. This is to ensure that they respect your data and rights by keeping your data secure and confidential, limiting their use of your data (i.e., to providing you with the requested Quotes), and not sharing your data with anyone else.


Solar Synergy Group Limited (“ltd", “we", “us", “our") is a company registered in England and Wales company number: 14405992 whose registered office address is at 19 Derby Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, ME19 5FJ.

For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR"), Solar Synergy Group Limited is the controller in relation to your data. We are registered as a controller with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under registration number ZB404338. You can confirm our registration here:


Before confirming what data we collect, and why, please below a list of things we don't do with it, unless clearly set out and explained in this Privacy Policy.

  • We don't share it with anyone else (other than relevant Service Providers)

  • We don't use it for any purpose (including retargeting, commingling across multiple advertisers' campaigns or allowing piggybacking or redirecting with tags), except on an aggregate and anonymous basis, and only to assess the performance and effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

  • We don't use it to build, append to, edit, influence or augment user profiles, including profiles associated with any mobile device identifier or other unique identifiers that identify any particular user, browser, computer or device.

  • We don't transfer it (including any anonymous, aggregate or derived data) to any advertising network, advert exchange, data broker, or other advertising or monetisation-related service.


If you complete our webform in order to request Quotes or product information, it will ask you for your contact details, such as list below,

  • Your name,

  • email address,

  • telephone number,

  • postal address,

  • And/or postal code.

Our webform will also ask for information regarding your product requirements (where relevant).

We may sporadically change our webforms, as a result of this they may ask you for other information. We will always make it clear in the webform what information we're requesting, and we only request information that is relevant to your request, and the service that we're providing.

We also store and share Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, as explained below. Every computer or device has an IP address - a unique number - which enables it to communicate with other computers and devices over the Internet.

We may monitor and/or record these calls for the purposes of quality control and staff training. Also occasionally, we may need to provide Service Providers with limited access to such recordings in order to resolve disputes.


We use your data (described above) in the following ways.


As explained above, if you submit our webform, we'll pass your request to one or more relevant Service Providers. We will do this in a secure way. For example, using HTTP Secure (HTTPS), which means the data is encrypted. The Service Providers then contact you directly with your quotes. They may contact you by telephone, text/SMS or email.

Before we pass your request to any Service Providers, our service may involve an element of automated decision-making. Our technology platform may automatically assess your Product requirements and pass your request to such Service Providers that would like to receive requests for Quotes at the time your request is made.

We store IP addresses in order to stop unwanted traffic (i.e. spam) to our site. For example, if we become aware that spam is coming from a particular IP address (i.e. computer or location), we can block that IP address. From time to time, we also share IP addresses with Service Providers to enable Service Providers to verify that requests for Quotes have come from a particular country.

You will always be given an opportunity to opt out of such messages before we send them, and we will not send such messages if you have opted out.


From time to time, Service Providers may return data to us. They may do this if they have a query regarding a request for Quotes that we have sent to them in order to enable us to resolve the query. They may also return data to us, together with confirmation on whether or not a product has been purchased, in order to enable us to improve our marketing. We may also use such data to create custom and lookalike/similar audiences, as explained above.


We work with a number of suppliers, who process data on our behalf. These include, email service providers and telephone number validation services. We have appropriate contracts in place with such suppliers to ensure the protection and confidentiality of data.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. At the bottom of this policy, we have included a table, setting out what cookies we use, and the purposes for which we use them.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit or

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit


We have a data retention policy, which clearly sets out how long we keep data for, and for what reasons.

We will keep your data only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose/s for which it was collected in the first place, i.e. as set out in this notice

For example:

  • We will keep your request for Quotes for 6 months after you make the request to enable us to resolve any queries from Service Providers, should they arise.

  • If you haven't opted out of receiving marketing from us, we will keep your details, and send you emails, until such time as you don't engage with our emails for a period of 6 consecutive months.

Following the periods set out above, we will not use the data, save that we will hash/anonymise the same, and retain it for a further 3 years for compliance purposes.


This notice sets out (above) how we use your data. Under the GDPR, controllers must have a valid lawful basis for each processing activity that they undertake. This section sets out our lawful basis for each activity.


Lawful Basis under the GDPR

Your Rights

To connect you with relevant Service Providers


To withdraw your consent, as explained below

Using and sharing IP addresses

Legitimate interests

You have the right to object to processing based on legitimate interests

Receiving data from Service Providers

Legitimate interests

You have the right to object to processing based on legitimate interests

Under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (PECR), we send such emails on the basis of the existing customer (soft opt-in) exemption.

In each case where we have identified legitimate interests as the legal basis for our processing, we have conducted a legitimate interest's assessment.


Under the GDPR, you have a number of rights. In relation to our site, and the service that we provide, those rights are set out in the table above. We further explain these rights, and your other rights, below.


You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the personal information that we hold about you, and to check that we are lawfully processing it.


If personal information that we hold about you is not accurate or is out of date and requires amendment or correction you have a right to have the data rectified or completed.


In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that personal information we hold about you is erased (e.g. if the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed).


In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal information. For example, if we are processing your information on the basis of our legitimate interests, and there are no compelling legitimate grounds for our processing which override your rights and interests.


In certain instances, you have a right to receive any personal information that we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.


In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. You can exercise this right by contacting us in any of below ways.

Email -

Phone - 07759723804

In Writing - Solar Synergy Group Limited, 19 Derby Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, Kent, ME19 5FJ


If you wish to exercise any of your other rights under the GDPR, please email us at Alternatively, you can write to us at the address set out above, or inform us if you speak with us on the phone.

Our lead supervisory authority for the processing set out in this notice is the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). If you are unhappy with how we have processed your data, you have the right to make a complaint to the ICO.


If you have any questions regarding this notice, or any questions relating to data protection or privacy, you can contact us at

Alternatively, you can write to us at the address set out above.


From time to time, we may update this notice.